Parent FAQs


Frequently Asked Questions

What can I do to help my

child have a great camp experience?

● If possible, visit the camp ahead of time to familiarize your child with the
campgrounds, cabins and other general surroundings.
● Consider arranging a first time camper to attend with a close friend, relative, or
camp “buddy”.
● Do not tell your child in advance that you will “rescue” him/her from camp if
he/she does not like it.
● Discuss what camp will be like well before your child leaves home, acknowledging
feelings; role play anticipated camp situations such as using a flashlight to
finding the bathroom.
● Send a letter to the Registrar for your child before camp begins so he/she will
have a letter waiting for his/her arrival.
● Allow your child to pack a favourite stuffed animal and/or picture so he/she will
have a reminder of home.

Is there assistance towards helping with registration fees?

We don’t want any camper to miss the opportunity to attend camp because of the cost
so we have some funds available for CAMPERSHIP grants. If you require assistance please contact the registrar at 

What are the guidelines for Phone Calls?

The campers are encouraged not to use the phone other than for emergencies. If an
emergency arises at home, please contact the Kitchen @ 250 225 3415 and they will
see the message gets to the camper to return your call.

What if my child is caught with Drugs, Alcohol, or Tobacco on the camp property?

Your child will be sent home immediately.

What if my child loses or breaks their stuff?

Sorry, KCBC is not responsible for any lost, broken, or stolen items.

What is there to do?

Swimming, Canoeing, Lots of great games, Archery, Skits, Crafts, Singing, Talent
Nights, making friends, SUPER SURPRISE Activities, and much more.

Who can come?

Junior Camp: Children ages 8 — 12 by September 30th. If you have older campers, we recommend Pines Bible Camp


How do I Sign Up?

On April 1st, when registration opens, fill out the Registration form on line and pay by e-transfer
You will receive confirmation upon

How do I Handle Homesickness?

● Talk candidly with the Program Director to obtain his/her perception of your child’s
● Resist the temptation to “rescue” your child.
● Acknowledge your child’s feelings and communicate your love.
● Support your child’s efforts to work out the problems with the help of camp staff.
● Remind him/her, if necessary, that he/she has made a commitment.
● Trust your instincts; the occasional child who is truly having a difficult adjustment
should be allowed to return home after a reasonable amount of time and effort.

What are the Fees and are there Refunds?

The camper fee ($375) is due by June 1st at the latest. If your child is unable to attend please cancel by June 15th by calling the Registrar In this way, that spot may then be available for another camper.

What is the policy on Cabin Mates?

Cabin assignments are made by the staff, prior to the start of each session. We will try,
whenever possible, to honour the request of up to two friends wanting to bunk together,
if the request is made with pre registration

What is the time schedule?

A complete time schedule will be posted at the camp. Campers should arrive between
2pm and 4pm Sunday. Pick up time will be the following Friday at 11am. It is imperative
that you check your child in on arrival and check them out on departure. We do this for
safety reasons to protect your child.

What to leave home?

● Knives
● Collector/Trading Items
● Card Games
● Cell Phones
● Electronics
● Fireworks

What to bring to Camp?

● Bible
● Notebook
● Clothes for all types of weather
● Running Shoes
● Sleeping bag/Blankets
● Pillow
● PJs
● Soap and Shampoo
● Comb/Brush
● Two Towels/Washcloth
● Swim Shoes
● Swimsuit
● Flashlight
● Toothbrush and toothpaste
● Sunscreen
● Rain Gear
● Insect Repellent
● A friend!
● Jacket