*Camp Location

The Kootenay Covenant Bible Camp for campers aged 8-12 will be held at The Harbour Christian Camp, 3 Km North of Riondel on the East side of Kootenay Lake.


*Directions to KCBC

Coming from Nelson: Drive north on 3A to the Balfour/Kootenay Bay Ferry and take the ferry to Kootenay Bay. (See below for schedule).

From Kootenay Bay drive north about 13 km to Riondel. Follow the road into Riondel and turn right on Eastman Ave to proceed further north.

The Harbour Camp is about a 3 km drive on blacktop road and the Camp Gate with a sign is on the left just after a small bridge.


Coming from Creston: Follow Hwy 3A north to Crawford Bay, continue on to Riondel and the directions given above.

*Ferry Schedule

Check current weather and road conditions:

http://www.drivebc.ca/#listView&road=Kootenay Lake Ferry

Kootenay Lake Ferry Schedule-2016